Monday, January 17, 2011

Learning about the Brain- in Napa, CA

Hello Everyone.  I'm on my final day in Napa, California- learning more about the brain!  I'm so lucky to be a part of this group, Pat Wolfe's Brainy Bunch!  For the past 4 days, I've had the opportunity to learn from 45 other "brain junkies"- extremely accomplished educators from across the country who share my passion for learning about- and teaching about- the brain. It is always great to be around Pat Wolfe, and she brings in wonderful speakers to work with us.  On Saturday, we learned from Dr. Stephen Hinshaw, a leading researcher in the area of ADHD.  And yesterday, we learned from Dr. David Amaral, an expert on Autism Spectrum disorders. Both were excellent speakers!

I'm anxious to return home and share some of the information I've learned with Iowa educators.  On this fourth and final day in Napa, we'll be discussing what we learned, and will also hear from some of our fellow BB members about projects they are working on, and research they are doing!

Since I don't fly home until early Tuesday morning, I'll have this afternoon and evening to relax in San Francisco.  My traveling companion, Margie O. and I are still trying to decide just how to spend our time.  Most likely-  a walk across the Golden Gate Bridge, a trip to the Muir Woods, and possibly a trip to a great mall in San Bruno. We won't have much time, but we always have fun!

More later!  Happy MLK Day everyone!


  1. Ooh, I would have loved to have heard Dr. Amaral. The Autism Spectrum is so fascinating.

  2. My brain is full!
    After spending 2 days with neuroscientists and one day processing what was said, this whole experience has put me under the bus.
    Incredible the learning we had, Julie. Now we have to return to the real world and process all this information. It is so important for us to know as much as we can about ADHD and autism. There is so much of both these syndromes. Our jobs will not easy trying to translate this learning.
    It was fun traveling with you. Thanks for being so mindful of all this information.
