There have been several articles about the brain in the news lately! Once you begin paying attention, it’s amazing how often you read things in the newspaper or magazines, or see programs on TV that are brain-related! (This in itself is actually a “brain thing”- sometimes referred to as “the red car phenomenon”).
Here is an excerpt from one of many articles that talks about this:
“When I graduated from college I bought a red Pontiac Grand Am. And from then on I noticed two things while driving around: (1) how many red cars were on the road, and (2) how many Grand Am’s there were of all colors. We notice things that we have some personal connection to, whether that connection is based on our experience, our desires, our knowledge, or something else. Here’s why: because everything we have learned and experienced creates the context or lens through which we relate to the world. It shapes what we pay attention to amidst the daily onslaught of signals and information. It even shapes what we are capable of seeing or observing.” (from Random Acts of Leadership, by Susan Mazza, February 2009)
So… if you have taken one of my classes, or attended my session at NMSA, or if you have read or seen something that has created an interest in the brain and how it works, you may be experiencing the “red car phenomenon”. In your case and in mine- news of the brain seems to be everywhere! You could say that we have a “heightened awareness” that makes us notice things that we previously ignored! I love this hard-wired feature of the human brain!
Last Sunday’s 60 Minutes had an excellent story that some of you may have seen. It was about people who have “super-memories”. Instead of discarding the majority of what enters their brain through their senses, these people remember (whether they want to or not) almost everything! It was an amazing story! These people have abilities often seen in Autistic Savants- yet they are normal in every other way! They can remember the details of everyday they have lived. Given a specific date, each of them could recall what they had done that day, what had happened in the news on that day, etc. It’s an amazing skill that leaves most of us bewildered!
The scientists who were interviewed on 60 Minutes, Dr. Larry Cahill and Dr. James McGaugh, spoke of the studies they are conducting on these unique individuals. Through brain-imaging done on these "super-rememberers", distinct differences have been noted between their brains and the brains of “average” humans. These differences have been documented in several areas- deep inside the temporal lobe (where the hippocampus is located), and in another area called the caudate nucleus. They can’t yet explain these physical differences, or even understand whether the differences are a “result of” the unusual capabilities… or perhaps are “responsible for” the capabilities. It is a case of the chicken or the egg dilemma, and will require continued study.
I was particularly interested in this 60 Minutes story, because several years ago, Dr. Larry Cahill was the featured speaker at one of my “Brainy Bunch” renewal sessions. Each January, Pat Wolfe- my friend and mentor, hosts a renewal session for all who have gone through her training. She brings in the experts- top neuroscientists, and/or science writers- to talk with us for an entire day. Larry Cahill was our featured speaker several years ago, so in a small group of about 40 educators, I was able to learn from this expert! This is, to say the least, a huge privilege and thrill for me!
To watch the 60 Minutes segment in its entirety, follow this link:
There are a few extra segments on this website as well, that weren’t in the program, but that are really interesting! I highly recommend watching these videos! They are fascinating!
I’ll end for now and will again wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I’ll find time to post again between the holidays, and will fill you in on my upcoming trip to Napa, California. I’ll again be learning from Pat Wolfe and other neuroscience experts--- about the latest news of the brain!
:) Thanks for sharing this!