Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Another Great Opportunity to Learn- this time with Dr. Lynn Erickson!

1 comment:

  1. How lucky am I? I've recently returned from yet another wonderful opportunity to learn! This time, my teachers were Dr. Lynn Erickson and her team of content specialists. The topic: Concept-Based Teaching and Learning. I spent eight days with about 30 other educators from Iowa and around the country, becoming certified to teach CBT using Lynn's materials and expertise. It was a fabulous week- intense, but intellectually stimulating, to say the least. The approach Lynn takes to curriculum design and instruction aligns beautifully with what I know about how the brain learns. I'm anxious to consolidate my "brain knowledge" with my new "Concept-Based" knowledge and skills, and begin sharing what I know with my colleagues and the K-12 educators that I encounter in my work at the AEA. It was a wonderful week of learning! (Oh, and it didn't hurt that the institute was held in Whitefish, Montana, just outside of Glacier National Park.) As I said, How lucky am I? More later about The Structure of Knowledge, Concepts vs. Facts, Enduring Understandings, and the brain-compatibility of this curriculum design model.
